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The Plug n Play CRM has everything an agent will need!
Get Licensed!
Getting licensed is a simple process if you are willing to dedicate some time and really focus on getting this career started. Below are the steps required.
Register for the course!
Schedule Your Exam Date!
Pass the Exam!
Purchase Your License!
Time to Get Started!

Go to and select Register in the top right corner. It will then ask you for a special company discount email. You can use to receive your discounted price.
It will then ask you to select a product. Select "insurance pre-licensing" (not continuing education).
It will then ask you to select Life, Health or Life & Health. This is up to you. To sell the Final Expense Products, you will only need LIFE. If you want to add Medicare in the future, you can go ahead and select Life & Health or you can just add Health at a later date.
The rest should be self-explanatory.
Now you need to schedule your exam. Again, it is best to do this while you are in the pre-licensing to keep you motivated to not drop out of the course!
There are 3 different sites that will allow you to schedule your exam. You can use whichever one you want.

Once you have passed your exam, you will need to purchase your state license. You can speak with your Agency Owner if you have questions on this process.
Go to and click on APPLY FOR LICENSE.
Once you have purchased your license, you will need to call your Agency Owner for the next steps of the process.
Reach Out When You Pass!
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